Hey guys!!!
Come on and see my new tumblr :D
It's very wild and wonderful.
Susie, xoxo
Guess who...
Dear Friends,
I have to tell you that I have been in a lot of pain lately. I have lost my favourite pencil, again. Many of you may recall that I lost my favourite pencil a year or two ago, and the chaos that ensured around Paris while I searched for said pencil. I looked for my pencil, and the silence told me it was not there. I asked it to come back two times and there was silence for two times. As you know I try to promote an alternative lifestyle, based on sensible tenets such as repetitive wearing of collars. My pencil's decision to disappear will be clearly be seen by conservative, pen-wielding types as a lead-based revenge against the sketches my pencil and I used to share. Right now- well- I can't even pretend to be a mess. I'm quite perfect. But, it is still distressing. I have hundreds of agents on the lookout for it, throughout Paris, right now. Perhaps I will go and take pictures of naked young men- that always cheers me up. Brad? No- wait- what's your name? You know, the new one. Italian, I think.
I have to tell you that I have been in a lot of pain lately. I have lost my favourite pencil, again. Many of you may recall that I lost my favourite pencil a year or two ago, and the chaos that ensured around Paris while I searched for said pencil. I looked for my pencil, and the silence told me it was not there. I asked it to come back two times and there was silence for two times. As you know I try to promote an alternative lifestyle, based on sensible tenets such as repetitive wearing of collars. My pencil's decision to disappear will be clearly be seen by conservative, pen-wielding types as a lead-based revenge against the sketches my pencil and I used to share. Right now- well- I can't even pretend to be a mess. I'm quite perfect. But, it is still distressing. I have hundreds of agents on the lookout for it, throughout Paris, right now. Perhaps I will go and take pictures of naked young men- that always cheers me up. Brad? No- wait- what's your name? You know, the new one. Italian, I think.
Love the Punk men collection S/S 2011 by Florin Dobre
Pe 8 iulie Innova store a gazduit evenimentul de prezentare a colectiei LOVE THE PUNK, primavara-vara 2011 semnata Florin Dobre. Din colectia anterioara denumita "Debut", a fost pastrat nonconformismul britanic, insa de data aceasta cu elemente din perioada punk.
Show-ul a fost bazat pe o imbinare perfecta intre clasic si punk, eleganta, extravaganta, si imaginea adolescentului rebel. Se pare ca hainele create de designerul roman, sunt menite pentru a veni in implinirea celui care le poarta, intregindu-i personalitatea.
Machiajul a fost unul demn de caracterul modelelor care au prezentat, unul dur cu scopul de a veni in completarea hainelor.
Culorile folosite au fost unele de vara, relaxante precum albastru, roz, rozu, lila, argintiu.
Piesa de rezistenta a colectiei a fost pantalonul care a fost asortat cu o camasa, o bluza sau un sacou. Tinutele sunt intregite cu un model perfect de pantof care se face usor remarcat datorita culorii- argintiu, rosu, roz.
Rezultatul a fost un mix intre clasic si “fashion” ce defineste silueta masculina.

Show-ul a fost bazat pe o imbinare perfecta intre clasic si punk, eleganta, extravaganta, si imaginea adolescentului rebel. Se pare ca hainele create de designerul roman, sunt menite pentru a veni in implinirea celui care le poarta, intregindu-i personalitatea.
Machiajul a fost unul demn de caracterul modelelor care au prezentat, unul dur cu scopul de a veni in completarea hainelor.
Culorile folosite au fost unele de vara, relaxante precum albastru, roz, rozu, lila, argintiu.
Piesa de rezistenta a colectiei a fost pantalonul care a fost asortat cu o camasa, o bluza sau un sacou. Tinutele sunt intregite cu un model perfect de pantof care se face usor remarcat datorita culorii- argintiu, rosu, roz.
Rezultatul a fost un mix intre clasic si “fashion” ce defineste silueta masculina.

Marie Claire magazine internship opportunity!
The Marie Claire accessories department is looking for great interns to work with shoes, bags and jewelry for the Fall 2010 semester (immediately through May).
The ideal candidate should be able to commit to 3 to 5 full days a week. You must also be enrolled in school and eligible for credit. The internship is unpaid.
Interns will be assisting the accessories team in the fashion closet, working with all accessories including fine jewelry. Responsibilities include checking in and returning samples, creating story boards, organizing the fashion closet, setting up for run-through, packing/unpacking for photo shoots and handling ongoing requests as needed, doing store pulls, helping to manage schedules and any other administrative work the team will need.
Candidates must be EXTREMELY organized and able to multitask in a fast paced environment. This position requires long hours so candidates must be dedicated and highly-motivated. A good attitude, attention to detail and follow through are very important.
Previous fashion experience is preferred, but not required. Please email Danielle Prescod at dprecod@hearst.com if interested.
The ideal candidate should be able to commit to 3 to 5 full days a week. You must also be enrolled in school and eligible for credit. The internship is unpaid.
Interns will be assisting the accessories team in the fashion closet, working with all accessories including fine jewelry. Responsibilities include checking in and returning samples, creating story boards, organizing the fashion closet, setting up for run-through, packing/unpacking for photo shoots and handling ongoing requests as needed, doing store pulls, helping to manage schedules and any other administrative work the team will need.
Candidates must be EXTREMELY organized and able to multitask in a fast paced environment. This position requires long hours so candidates must be dedicated and highly-motivated. A good attitude, attention to detail and follow through are very important.
Previous fashion experience is preferred, but not required. Please email Danielle Prescod at dprecod@hearst.com if interested.
Hello Oxford!

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